• In need of help? contact slappuk
    Would you like to help develop Slappuk ?
    be a member of our feedback team.
  • In need of help?  Give us a call.
    In need of help?
    Give us a call.

In need of help? Give us a call.

If you want to know more about Slappuk, you are  more than welcome to contact us !

Slappuk Aps
Kaerholt 1
DK-9210 Aalborg SØ,

Tlf.: +45 9631 7900
E-mail: info@polaris-as.dk

CVR: 35039430


Slappuk ia s a robust product built for an everyday with active children. There is of course a limit to what the system can stand. Therefore we offer different options for repair or replacement of parts of the system if the worst happens.

We are developing the system and new games, therefore we would like to hear from you if you have ideas for new games, or if you experience problems.  Ring or write to us so we can hear what it`s all about.

We are always interested knowing how Slappuk can be even better.

About Slappuk

Slappuk ApS is a danish company (from 2013) who are responsible for production and sale of the Slappuk system. Slappuk ApS is based in Aalborg in North Jutland.  Plastic parts, electronics and software are developed and produced in Denmark. In this way  we are certain that quality is of the best.

Slappuk is developed in partnership with schools and sports clubs, and our aim is to further develop Slappuk as much as possible, and using similar partnerships.


Slappuk is an EU patented product, protected by EP-2179771 :  “play device with random selection of exercise”.

The primary purpose with the invention behind the patent is  “to create a play device motivating people and especially children to initiate or continue physical  activity of the whole or parts hereof

The whole patent can be found online and can be seen here.

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